Getting Started Is Easy!

It seems like every 5 minutes there’s a new “must follow” exercise or diet. Frustrating, right?

Even worse is when you find the exercise and diet plan that actually works, but aren’t able to stay accountable, leaving you disappointed.

Our Ignition Session cuts through all the garbage so you know exactly how to achieve your fitness goals and stay accountable.


Ignition is a one-on-one session at our gym where you’ll get the following:

  • We’ll complete a comprehensive body composition scan that will let you know exactly how much muscle and fat you have and how it’s distributed throughout your body.
  • You’ll meet with our expert nutrition coach to create an eating plan specific to YOUR goals. One that’s healthy and you can stick with for a lifetime.
  • We’ll create a workout plan for you to achieve your SPECIFIC goals – whether that’s looking good, being healthy, burning fat, building lean muscle or all of these.
  • We’ll teach you a few simple exercises that’ll have a huge impact on your results.
  • Finally, one of our coaches will bring you through your first workout to ignite your fitness success.

We’ve trained hundreds of people of all fitness levels to get amazing results.

To schedule your FREE Ignition Session, fill in your info.

One of our team members will contact you to schedule a time to come to our gym and go through Ignition.

Why would we give away this $200 value for free? We know that most people will have enjoyed their experience so much and understand the results they’ll achieve at our gym, they’ll want to join and become full time members. And if you decide not to continue, we completely understand. We’ll be happy you gave us a try and you’ll leave with fitness and nutrition knowledge that’ll serve you for a lifetime.

To schedule your FREE Ignition Session, fill in your info.

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-The Spark Team